Class Float
In: float_ext.rb
Parent: Object


  require 'float_ext.rb'
  x = 1.37; y = 0.123
  phi = x.arg(y)
  r = x.hypot(y)
  dx = r * phi.cos - x
  dy = r * phi.sin - y

Defining all functons of module Math as methods of class Float. The meaning of functions frexp and ldexp has been changed from referring to exponent 2 to exponent 10. Notice that code that worked without a statement

  require 'float_ext.rb'

will work in an identical manner with this statement added. Only if this is true, extending the functionaliy of standard types is considered acceptable. A few functions, not to be found in module Math have been added. These are methods which are defined in R and thus should be available in Float in order to make R and Float strictly replacable in all code that loads float_ext.rb and rnum.rb. These new functions are:

  inv, pseudo_inv, conj, cot, coth, acot, acoth, arg,
  clone, dis, integer?, real?, complex?

Notice also, that for R.dig = -1, the real-number generating functions

  R.ran, R.tob, R.c, R.i, R.pi, R.e
  R.c0, R.c1, ..., R.c10, R.i2, ... R.i10

that normally return R-numbers are forced to return Floats so that it is simple to write programs in such a manner that all real numbers switch their type from Float to R and vice versa. This is one mode more to use Float. Note that setting R.dig = 0 also uses Float, but does so in a hidden manner by basing the representation of R-numbers internally on Float. If an application has to switch between Float encoding of numbers and BigDecimal encoding of numbers one better uses R for all real numbers both and changes the representation by calling the function R.dig=. The class R is coded in a manner that it makes no use of the present extension of Float, although this would have allowed some code reduction.


acos   acosh   acot   acoth   arg   asin   asinh   atan   atan2   atanh   clone   complex?   conj   cos   cosh   cot   coth   dis   erf   erfc   exp   frexp   hypot   integer?   inv   ldexp   log   log10   prn   pseudo_inv   real?   round   sin   sinh   sqrt   tan   tanh   to_0   to_1  

Public Instance methods


    # File float_ext.rb, line 82
82:   def acos; Math.acos(self); end


    # File float_ext.rb, line 83
83:   def acosh; Math.acosh(self); end


     # File float_ext.rb, line 108
108:   def acot; Math.atan(1./self); end


     # File float_ext.rb, line 109
109:   def acoth; 0.5 * Math.log( ((self + 1.0)/(self - 1.0)).abs ) end

The name ‘arg’ stands for ‘agument’, which is the name for the polar angle of a complex number preferred in the mahematical literature. So for a complex number z = u + iv we have

  argument(z) = u.arg(v)

Notice also the representation of the absolute value of z:

  |z| = u.hypot(v)

The functions hypot and arg (or atan2) thus prepare the introduction of complex numbers.


    # File float_ext.rb, line 98
98:   def arg(y); Math.atan2(y,self); end


    # File float_ext.rb, line 77
77:   def asin; Math.asin(self); end


    # File float_ext.rb, line 78
78:   def asinh; Math.asinh(self); end


    # File float_ext.rb, line 87
87:   def atan; Math.atan(self); end


    # File float_ext.rb, line 88
88:   def atan2(x); Math.atan2(self,x); end


     # File float_ext.rb, line 100
100:   def atanh; Math.atanh(self); end

One should have this!


     # File float_ext.rb, line 145
145:   def clone
146:     res = 0.0; res += self; res
147:   end

Not complex, since no second dimesion (filling a plane) is provided.


     # File float_ext.rb, line 176
176:   def complex?; false; end

(Complex) conjugation, no effect on real numbers. Supports the unified treatment of real and complex numbers.


    # File float_ext.rb, line 69
69:   def conj; self; end


    # File float_ext.rb, line 80
80:   def cos; Math.cos(self); end


    # File float_ext.rb, line 81
81:   def cosh; Math.cosh(self); end

All functions having ‘cot’ in their name deal with the trigonometric or hyperbolic cotangent. These functions are so directly related to the corresponding ‘tan’-functions that they are not included in the Math and BigMath modules. It is sometimes useful to have them, though.


     # File float_ext.rb, line 106
106:   def cot; Math.cos(self)/Math.sin(self); end


     # File float_ext.rb, line 107
107:   def coth; Math.cosh(self)/Math.sinh(self); end

For all Float x, y we have 0 <= x.dis(y) <= 1 and x.dis(x) = 0 It is a kind of relative distance which should be in the order of magnitude of the smalles positive representable number if x and y are known to differ only by numerical noise.


     # File float_ext.rb, line 153
153:   def dis(x)
154:     xf = x.to_f
155:     a = abs
156:     b = xf.abs
157:     d = (self - xf).abs
158:     s = a + b
159:     return 0.0 if
160:     d1 = d/s
161:     d < d1 ? d : d1
162:   end

error function


     # File float_ext.rb, line 112
112:   def erf; Math.erf(self); end

complemetary error function


     # File float_ext.rb, line 115
115:   def erfc; Math.erfc(self) ; end


    # File float_ext.rb, line 71
71:   def exp; Math.exp(self); end

Warning! x.frexp differs from Math.frexp(x). We need exponent 10 not 2, so we don‘t use:

  def frexp; Math.frexp(self);end


     # File float_ext.rb, line 121
121:   def frexp 
122:   #  puts "arg of frex="+to_s
123:     if zero?
124:       [ 0.0, 0]
125:     elsif self > 0.0
126:       y = Math.log10(self)
127:       yf = y.floor
128:       yfrac = y - yf
129:       [ 10.0 ** yfrac, yf.to_i]
130:     else
131:       y = Math.log10(-self)
132:       yf = y.floor
133:       yfrac = y - yf
134:       [ - 10.0 ** yfrac, yf.to_i]
135:     end
136:   end

x.hypot(y) is an efficient and accurate representation of the square root of x*x + y*y.


    # File float_ext.rb, line 58
58:   def hypot(y); Math.hypot(self,y); end

Since Float is not Fixnum or Bignum we return ‘false’. In scientific computation there may be the need to use various types of ‘real number types’ but there should be always a clear-cut distinction between integer types and real types.


     # File float_ext.rb, line 168
168:   def integer?; false; end

It is convenient to have inversion (the multiplicative analogon of the unary - operation) as a member function.


    # File float_ext.rb, line 62
62:   def inv; 1.0/self; end

Warning! x.ldexp differs from Math.ldexp(x). We need exponent 10 not 2, so we don‘t use:

  def ldexp(n); Math.ldexp(self,n);end


     # File float_ext.rb, line 142
142:   def ldexp(n); self * (10.0 ** n.to_i); end


    # File float_ext.rb, line 72
72:   def log; Math.log(self); end


    # File float_ext.rb, line 73
73:   def log10; Math.log10(self); end

Print. Output to console, together with a name which is given by the argument.


     # File float_ext.rb, line 186
186:   def prn(name)
187:     puts " #{name} = " + to_s
188:   end

pseudo inverse, which always exists


    # File float_ext.rb, line 65
65:   def pseudo_inv; zero? ? 0.0 : 1.0/self; end

Although there may be technical variants in representing real numbers, these all should answer this question with ‘yes’ since they all model mathematical real numbers.


     # File float_ext.rb, line 173
173:   def real?; true; end

Returns a real number, the significand of which has not more than n digits. Notice that there is also a function round which takes no argument and which returns an integer number. This function replaces function Float#round.


     # File float_ext.rb, line 194
194:   def round(*arg)
195:     n = arg.size
196:     case n
197:     when 0
198:       (self + 0.5).floor # output is integer
199:     when 1
200:       m = arg[0].to_i
201:       x = frexp
202:       y = x[0].ldexp(m)
203:       (y + 0.5).floor.to_f.ldexp(x[1] - m)
204:     else
205:       fail "needs 0 or 1 arguments"
206:     end
207:   end


    # File float_ext.rb, line 75
75:   def sin; Math.sin(self); end


    # File float_ext.rb, line 76
76:   def sinh; Math.sinh(self); end


    # File float_ext.rb, line 54
54:   def sqrt; Math.sqrt(self); end


    # File float_ext.rb, line 85
85:   def tan; Math.tan(self); end


    # File float_ext.rb, line 86
86:   def tanh; Math.tanh(self); end

Providing the neutral element of addition via a method.


     # File float_ext.rb, line 179
179:   def to_0; 0.0; end

Providing the neutral element of multiplication via a method.


     # File float_ext.rb, line 182
182:   def to_1; 1.0; end
